Saturday, May 22, 2010

Someone is missing

Today (May 21) I celebrated my 29th birthday.
This year and last have been dramatically different than the 27 years prior.

Last year was simple - I worked that morning, met a friend for dinner, went to an improv class, enjoyed lunch with my parents the next day, and then camping at a local lake that night with a few friends.
This year - slept in as long as I could! Celebrated the night before with my friends in the Improv Troupe after our show. Then, met my Mom and brother for a late lunch the day of, and worked all night.

I'm okay with simple. Just doing something with family and the people that matter most. I don't need a big schindig, just want to spend time with those I love.

This year was the first year I had to celebrate my birth without one of the persons that brought me into this world. My Dad was set free and taken Home in March, just two months ago. I miss him terribly, and today wasn't the same without him. I have to lean on memories of birthdays past now when I want to share the big days with him each year. And thats ok I suppose...I can lean heavily on the voice in my head of him saying "happy birthday sean-a-roo," and repeated statements of "I love you" and "I'm proud of you."
I am forever grateful that I had Dad in my life for almost 29 years, and I'm forever grateful that he loved me and supported me as often and as loud as he did!

Here's to you Dad...